Sunday, September 7, 2014

My Question is Why

It's been a long time since my last post. And I've been traversing the country and world between now and then. I've learned a lot of things. Maybe I'll be able to share some of them sometime…

I've met many people this summer between ASI and YD and GYC Europe.
Some were old acquaintances, some were new.

I was privileged to hear many of their stories. Many were filled with life and joy and hope. But I also listened to accounts of broken heart after broken heart, broken home after broken home. And as I did, one question haunted me…


Why am I so blessed?

Why was I born into a Christian home?
Why was I born in a country of religious freedom?
Why have I escaped the all-too-common broken heart syndrome?
Why was I allowed to homeschool without authorities knocking on my door?
Why do I live in a home where my parents still love each other and love me even after 23 years?

Why am I so blessed?

I've pondered that question the entire summer.

The truth is, I've been blessed, not because I'm more special than any other individual on the planet, not because I've merited it and not because my parents were good people.

I have been blessed for this reason only…

…that I might be able to live my life to bless others without distraction.*

"Freely ye have received, freely give." {Matthew 10:8}

* Note: I do face personal trials and struggles on a daily basis, but all are relative when you compare them with the Cross. 


  1. Oh, Glesni. . . And, what a calling and responsibility to be a blessing to others! It's the call to carry the burden that Jesus carried, the sorrow for those who are hurting; but nothing can compare with the peace and strength that He gives us to do so.

  2. Yes... Love this thought. Thanks Glesni!

  3. So true. I've had the same questions... We are blessed so that we may bless others. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yes. This is so true. And when we bless others, it only makes our blessings sweeter.
