My eyes turn an unfocused gaze to the opposite wall.
Little shafts of light dance bokeh-style.
My mind is far away.
Is this what makes men invincible?
To suffer and yet trust. To sorrow and yet sing.
To not understand and yet obey.
Is this? Is this the secret?
I think so. Because it says He was "made perfect." Entirely.
But oh, how hard it is to always accept the gift with outstretched hands, especially when it hurts.
Yet this obedience in the midst of suffering creates a beauty, a strength, a trust unlike any other.
And when we come forth, we are called sons and daughters, children of eternity.
"…He learned obedience [was perfected] by the things which He suffered."
May I never resist the fire.
* Hebrews 5:8