Wednesday, October 31, 2012

False Dreams

{Jeremiah 23}

The priests and prophets of Jeremiah’s day were blatantly defiant. 
Their complete disregard for the word of the Lord was blasphemous, their counterfeit prophesy a direct slander to His name.

“I have dreamed,” they would said, but their words were full of deceit. They claimed to have received revelations from the Source of wisdom, yet in reality their dreams were fabricated by the originator of lies.

I stop to ponder… Do I have false dreams? 

Dreams that I am contriving on my own? 
Dreams that are not surrendered to the Dream Fulfiller?
Dreams that are actually thought traps?

I pray not and once again quietly surrender all into His hands. 

Personal interpretation of God’s will is absolutely dangerous. 
For how can a finite mind think to understand the mind of the Infinite? 

I want His dreams to be my dreams…


  1. Amen! Let us surrender our dreams and plans to Jesus!

  2. "Personal interpretations of God's will is absolutely dangerous."
    Oh Gles, I want only His dreams!
