Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Try the Reins

{Jeremiah 17}

A contrasting passage.
Deserts and rivers. Salt plains and lush foliage. Blessings and curses. 

And who or what deserves this comparison? Humanity.
It’s a distinction… 

Between those who trust in man and those who trust in God.
Between those who make flesh their strength and those who make the Lord their hope.
Between those who depart from the Lord and those who seek His face continually.

Yes, this is the basis of the contrast made previously.

As the One who searches and knows the depths of every heart gently tugs on the reins, He watches to see whether we will quickly turn in response to His guidance, whether we will hesitate or whether we will refuse in outright defiance. 

It is His divine measure which we all must encounter. A standard that our eternal salvation rests upon.

He is trying my reins. What will be my response?

What will be yours?

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