Saturday, September 15, 2012

He Gives Again. . .

{Jeremiah 11}

It was no light matter. They had persisted in their course of wickedness.
The mercy of God had given. The justice of God must also give.

Consequences always follow disobedience.
Sometimes the results are unrecognized until distant future, yet always they exist.

There is nothing that pains God more than having to chastise His treasures.

Cursed though they were, hope and forgiveness were still extended from the Giver’s hand.
He would not give up on them until the last ray of melting mercy disappeared below the horizon of grace.
Until the last nail was driven into His palms. Until the last shout of “Crucify” faded into silent history.

And then, it would only be the people as a whole.
Individuals will ever move His heart to give again…

and again, and again…


  1. Give again. and again. and again. May I lift the burden of His heart by receiving what He gives.
    I know He is a perfect blend of all, but sometimes I ponder what God's personality must be made of.

    1. Me too, Jemsy. Me too… The more I learn about His character, the more I become aware of how little I understand…
